Who is Logia?

David Smith


David Smith is a leadership consultant and coach with over 25 years of experience leading organizations and large teams including multiple start-ups and one of Canada’s ’50 Best Managed Companies’. He has served as CEO and a SME business owner and his passion for ‘greenfield’ business launches has provided him with the honour of serving on the founding leadership teams of two Canadian financial services companies and on several Boards. Over the years, he has learned that a team or organization is only as healthy and productive as its leadership.

David’s years of lived experience in organizational leadership and corporate finance has made him a sought-after coach and mentor to leaders and teams of major organizations across Canada. Since 2009, he has coached over 300 new and seasoned executives, leaders and teams in regional, national and international organizations, SMEs, and private and family enterprises.

While David has excelled at coaching high-ranking CEO’s and executive leaders in large organizations, he believes leaders in organizations of all sizes can realize the benefits of coaching and bring profound success to their business and personal lives. He coaches and mentors new leaders to fully embrace their roles and prepares the next generation leaders to step up. David believes that people want to contribute, learn, and grow to become the best version of themselves and that a trusted coach can help them realize enormous potential and satisfaction.

After receiving a business undergraduate degree, David set out to master the leadership craft and hasn’t stopped training since. He has studied leadership at Harvard Business School, University of Colorado and Banff Centre for Management and adult education through St. Francis Xavier University. He is accredited in multiple professional associations, is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a Registered Professional Marketer with the Canadian Institute of marketing (CIM). He continues ongoing certification in numerous coaching and training systems.

David takes special joy in being with his wife (Nancy), children and grandchildren as they grow in the world, active at almost everything under the sun.

David’s Qualifications & Certifications

Qualifications & Certifications

Combined, Logia has spent hundreds of hours training in the area of coaching.

Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)
Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coaches are trained in helping you strengthen your core mental fitness muscles so you can turn your positive intentions into powerful habits that become a daily part of your life.

Certified “Associate Power Coach” (APC): Coaching & Leadership International (CLI)
CLI are global leaders in coach training and certification for mind, body, and spirit mastery in business and in life. Their Science of Mind-Kinetics® uses whole-brain thinking to turn unconstructive thoughts, words and actions into permanent positive ones. This award-winning innovative thinking process enables individuals to greet every challenge and goal at a higher level of thinking that sparks innovation, profound solutions and clear action steps to reach full potential.
Expedition Coaching: Certified Coach Training Program (CCTP)
The EXPEDITION Coaching® Program is an ICF accredited coaching program designed to empower coaches to enhance the coaching, communication and change leadership skills with people at all levels in the workplace.
Certified Coaches Federation (CCF)
The Certified Coaches Federation is a Canadian based Life Coach Certification and Executive Coach Certification Program. As Certified Coach Practitioners, Logia has completed required training in their coaching competencies.
Merit Consultant, Coach and Merit Profile Advisor Certification
Through Future Achievement International (FAI), Logia is certified to deliver MERIT Integrated Solutions and learning applications to impact an organizations culture, talent acquisition, employee development and succession planning initiatives. These Character-Based Leadership Solutions improve a person’s Personal Leadership Effectiveness (PLE) while focusing on overall Attitudes, Beliefs, and Commitments. Logia uses FAI methodologies to help leaders positively impact the overall performance, productivity, team effectiveness, and profitability of their companies by investing in establishing, developing, and sustaining a Personal Leadership Effectiveness Culture. These applications help organizations streamline operational efficiencies, mitigate human capital risks, reduce unnecessary financial expenditures, and empower performance-based leaders.
Certified DISC Practitioner
DISC certification is the process of training facilitators and coaches to deliver DISC tools more effectively. The certification enhances facilitation skills by teaching the Everything DiSC® model, theory, and research.
Crucial Conversations
Crucial conversations is training designed to help develop high leverage skills for effectively holding conversations where there are high stakes, opposing opinions, and strong emotions.
Pacific Institute Certification
The Pacific Institute® (TPI) believes that everyone has tremendous potential, but most of us do not achieve all we are capable of. We have been trained in and have access to TPI programs and processes that use cognitive psychology to develop, support and equip individuals and organizations to enable them to transform this potential into actual performance. The Institute’s programs rest, in part, on social learning theory and social cognitive theory. Central to this thought is that individuals are responsible for their own actions and can regulate their behaviour.