
The Four Behavioural Traits: Understanding Ourselves And Others

In this blog, a Logia client agreed to share some of their testimonial thoughts on an experience from early in the coaching/mentoring process. That is when we introduced a psychometric assessment we often recommend, the MERIT Profile™. It explores defined components of our character and innate behaviour which is often called our personality profile. Our innate behavior (how we have before we think; habits & routines) is estimated to compose 90% or more of our behaviour so it is important to understand. Here is their story and learnings

In my first meetings with Logia Consulting, I had the opportunity to take an in-depth development report to reveal various aspects of my character and personality. One of the areas explored in this report was innate traits that explained my style of behavior. By learning about these traits, I was able to better understand ways in which I best perform and produce results. I was also able to better understand my coworkers and work alongside them in the office.

The Four Traits Used To Explain Our Innate Behavioral Tendencies Are:

  1. Dominance
  2. Extraversion
  3. Conformity
  4. Patience

By taking a unique test an individual will rank from high to low in each of the four categories. The trait with the highest score can explain up to 50% of their behavioral style. No one trait is better or worse than another. Each trait includes its unique strengths, needs, and soft spots. By examining a person’s highest-ranked behavioral traits one can identify how they best perform and how they best work with others. Let us briefly explore these four traits.

Dominance: the take control trait

Do you enjoy taking the lead, looking to the future, or delegating the details to focus on the big picture? These are signs that dominance is your primary trait. This behavioral trait emphasizes being in control, taking action, and getting things done. This behavioral style tends towards competitiveness, being straightforward, and giving directions rather than receiving orders. When working with someone of this trait try to make communication brief, respect their need for autonomy, let them initiate interactions, and be clear about rules and expectations. Be prepared their more blunt and demanding approach, expect lower levels of empathy, sensitivity, and social interaction.

Extraversion: the people communication trait

With this primary trait you may find that you are naturally outgoing, persuasive, or an excellent communicator. Extraverts like others to be friendly, emotionally honest, and recognize their contributions. While working with someone of this trait approach them informally and be sociable. Let them verbalize their thoughts and feelings and give public recognition for their accomplishments. ensure that they are provided with written details for tasks and expectations. Be prepared for their need for the limelight and tendencies to overestimate themselves and others. Expect attempts to influence others and over-sell ideas.

Conformity: the systems/quality assurance trait

If you resonate with high levels of organization, clear instructions, and other forms of authority than this may be your primary trait. Conformists like others to give details rather than general information, minimalize unnecessary socialization, and be organized. While working with this trait give clear expectations and deadlines, show loyalty/dependability, and allow precedent to be a guide. Prepare for resistance to ambiguity or vague information and their desire to double-check. Expect there to be little need to affiliate with others on the team.

Patience: the rate of motion trait

If you rank high in this trait you may prefer supportive roles in which you work on immediate tasks at your own pace. You might also be described as gentle, agreeable, or patient. Individuals with this primary trait prefer others to be relaxed, cooperative, and show appreciation. While working with this trait try to provide a consistent and secure environment. Be logical and systematic in your approach to them. Be prepared for their resistance to change and difficulty with prioritization and deadlines. Let them move slowly into growth and change.

Key Insights

Seek to better understand ourselves and others through examining the traits that drive behavior. Discover the needs of each behavior style and provide these needs to those you consistently interact with daily. Identify your primary trait and how you best perform. Seek to create conditions that promote your unique behavioral style and communicate your needs to those around you.